Di Tibbits PhD Thesis Award

Applications are currently closed. The 2025 application dates will be announced soon.

The prestigious Di Tibbits Award for Best Thesis in Sexual & Reproductive Health is named in honour of Dr Di Tibbits, a Victorian female leader in sexual health. Di was a life member of the Sexual Health Society of Victoria and was the President of the Venereology Society of Victoria (now SHSOV) in 2002.

The Di Tibbits Award for Best Thesis in Sexual and Reproductive Health is awarded annually at the SHSOV AGM.

See below for eligibility criteria.

On this page:
Eligibility Requirements
Required application documentation
How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements:
1. The nominee has been awarded a doctorate (e.g. PhD, DrPH) within the last 3 years (i.e. date of conferral between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023).
2. The nominee must complete a doctorate at a Victorian education institution in Australia.
3. The nominee has not been a previous recipient of this award.
4. The nominee agrees to give a 10-minute presentation at the 2024 SHSOV Annual General Meeting if they were awarded (which will be held in April).
5. Nominees can self-nominate or be nominated by their supervisor, colleague or any member of the public.

Selection Criteria:
· Originality, novelty and impact of the research
· Quality of the PhD thesis or publications
· Potential translation into changes in health policy, health promotion, public health, clinical practice or commercialisation

Required Application Documents:
1. Complete application form, which you can download here: SHSOV-2024-Di-Tibbits-Award-Application-Form 20240209_FINAL
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. A copy of a doctoral testamur or conferral letter
4. One signed letter of support – the letter should be no longer than one page

One winner will be awarded each year. The winner will receive a certificate and a free SHSOV membership for 12 months. The winner will be announced at the 2024 SHSOV Annual General Meeting.

How to apply:
Please combine the application form and all required documents into one single PDF file with the file name “SURNAME_2024SHSOVAward.pdf”.

All applications must be submitted to the SHSOV via shsovictoria@gmail.com by 5pm on Monday 11th of March, 2024 with the subject line “2024 Di Tibbits Award”.

Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered, including those missing required documents.