The Sexual Health Society is a not for profit group dedicated to furthering sexual health in Victoria. It serves members with a professional or personal interest in any aspect of sexual health and aims to encourage the multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas. The Sexual Health Society of Victoria was established as the Venereology Society of Victoria in the early 1980s to provide professional education and interdisciplinary networking for workers in the field of sexual health medicine.
The Society’s activities include:
- several social and professional development events each year
- prizes for the best poster presentations at the annual Australasian Sexual Health Conference
- education support grants to assist with professional development
- other benefits for members
For further information please email
Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Alliance (ASRHA)
Did you know SHSOV is a member of the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Alliance (ASRHA)? ASRHA is a multi-disciplinary alliance of organisations with an interest in sexual health, working together to improve national and local responses to topical and important sexual health issues. If you are a member of SHSOV you are automatically an affiliate of ASRHA, and can receive updates and the ASHA Quarterly Newsletter.
Find out more about ASRHA at
Please click here to find out more about our executive committee